Friday, May 27, 2011

Successful Friday Night

Completely Lame but very successful Friday night.
  • Twenty page paper finished for ridiculous class-check
  • Online quiz submitted- check
  • Tuition paid-check
  • Report cards done-check
  • Reading began for ridiculous class-check

Only 3 1/2 more days of work!!
Only 8 more days until I leave to cruise Mexico!
Let the countdown begin!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

It's my turn!

4 Things.... I have never done one of these before and I was tagged by a great friend (Thanks Kelsey!) so i'll give it a try

4 shows I watch: 1) The Bachelor/Bachelorette (Love Monday nights with Sharli and Christie!) 2) Grey's Anatomy

3) Modern Family

4) Extreme Home Makeover Home Edition

I really only faithfully watch the first 2...but I always enjoy when I rarely watch the other two.

4 things I'm passionate about: 1) Family

2) Teaching

3) Church

4) Gamma

4 phrases I say a lot:

1) Guess What??

2) It's going to be Epic!

3) That's fabulous!

4) nbd (Kylee thinks I say lots of weird things like this)

4 things I have learned from the past:

1) Find Joy in the journey and enjoy the moment

2) Smile, it makes everything more enjoyable!

3) Live life to the fullest

4) I want to be just like my mom!

4 things I did yesterday:

1) Slept in until 12:30 (After getting home from the Fun Bus adventure at 6:30 am)

2) Went to the What a Women Wants Show with my Mom, Andrea, and Holly. Bought the Lucha shoes, I've been wanting (Glad you talked about them Emily!)

3) Went to Nick's house to watch him open his mission call!! He's going to Pennsylvania in 5 weeks!!

4) Went to Training Table and played an epic game of BINGO with some friends!

4 places I would love to visit:

1) Africa

2) Peru

3) Anywhere in Europe

4) Australia

4 things I'm looking forward to:

1) Cruise in June with friends!

2) Finishing my first year of teaching

3) Getting my things all moved into my new house

4) Caitlin coming home in June!

4 things I love about spring:

1) Warmer days/ wearing sandals

2) Stays lighter later at night

3) Outside adventures

4) BEEs games

I Love my Job

I am so excited that I can now say I love my job!! I have tried so hard to love it since the first day, and now I can say it and really mean it. When people ask what I do and I tell them I teach first grade, the automatic reaction 99% of the time in a very excited voice, is , "Oh my Gosh! That is so fun!! Do you love it??" Before, I had to just put on a smile and lie or tell the truth that it isn't as great as it sounds. I think people think I truly just sit and play with darling 6 and 7 year olds all day long!

I don't just play all day, but this is what makes it all worth it:

  • When they finally get that I truly care and they learn to trust me! When a student who really can't trust anyone in his own life, finally knows he can trust me.

  • When a student that use to run out of the class regularly, yelling that he hated me, now runs to me at the beginning of the day to hold my hand as we walk into school. Chatting the ENTIRE time!

  • When a student that could only count to 12 at the beginning, can now count to 100 by ones, fives, and tens.

  • When a student that could only write about 3 different words in September. Is now writing notes to anyone and everyone with multiple sentences!

  • When a student that wasn't confident enough to read, now reads every sign proudly when she goes to Disneyland.

  • When a mom tells you her daughter said, " I'd rather have Ms. Wright as a mom because she doesn't yell as much, she just does quiet coyote. " :)

  • When they quietly whisper their secrets to you, that they can't tell anyone else.

  • The sweet hugs that they so quickly give when I start to get frustrated.

  • When they tell me I look beautiful EVERY day.

  • Their funny stories and cute jokes.

  • When they sing "Tik Tok" all together at the top of their lungs.

This list could go on and on and on. I LOVE it! The last 7 months I have learned TONS! I can now look back and laugh about all of the tantrums, the fighting, the desk and chair throwing, the hiding in garbage cans, etc, etc. I wouldn't appreciate it so much, if I hadn't gone through all of the hard times at the beginning!

I learn so much from them every day. I am constantly reminded to be as little children. I hope that one day I can be as patient with other people, as quick to forgive, as quick to notice the little things in life, and be as caring as these darling 6 and 7 year olds.

I have the best job ever and now when people say, "Oh do you love it??" I can say....


Sunday, March 20, 2011

My Lucky night!

Saturday night.
9:30 pm.
Sitting in my basement with Kylee and Jenna.
Not sure what to do with ourselves.
Me, "Let's go ride the fun bus."
Kylee, "Ok! Let's go to Wendover!"
9:35 pm on our way to Wendover.
Wandered around the adventurous town of Wendover.
Ran to our car as we were chased by men, while taking our picture in front of the cowboy.
Put my first dollar in a penny machine.
Won 30 dollars!!
Yes, that was a free trip to Wendover.
Took pictures in the hotel hallway.
Laughed all night at the look the man gave us while taking pictures.
Watched many really top notch people gamble their lives away.
What an epic Saturday night.

Waka Waka (This Time for Africa) (The Official 2010 FIFA ...

New Love....


I know I'm a little behind the times. People have been raving about it forever, but I'm finally joinging the Zumba bandwagon. I went to my first class at 24 Hour this week, and fell completely in love! Anyone who know me knows that I LOVE Shakira! What workout could be better than dancing to Shakira songs multiple times?! I would be willing to say that nothing could be a more enjoyable workout!! I was hooked as soon as we started dancing to this song, LOVE IT!

Friday, February 25, 2011


Go Packers!

Idaho or Bust

Well the Tville girls ventured to Byu-Idaho a few weekends ago. Sharli, Kylee and I went to visit some friends that go to school there and also to see one of their cousin's. It was a great roadtrip adventure! We were there less than 24 hours, but we surely saw alot of dear Rexburg!
The drive of course included way too much junk food and writing random notes to new friends in the cars next to us! Can't forget the guy in the hat that we creeped out or the truck full of guys that was REALLY interested in getting any phone number they could.

Welcome to the Local Days Inn!!

Just taking pictures at a random building after we rode the elevator to nowhere!
Taco Bus!! Best idea EVER! Just like a taco stand, but in a bus!
Of course our car got booted! We didn't park by this sign of course, because we looked for a no parking sign. We couldn't find one so we thought we were safe. Obviously we were not! Gotta love school campuses and their need to ticket EVERY car that is not parked in the correct spot, the second they pull in the parking lot!

Right before we left Sharli and I finally found the apartments we stayed in for EFY! We had looked All over for them, and they were RIGHT by where our freinds live.

At the snow fest! We showed up at this snow fest we found out about from a calendar of events in the phone book. It was really just a fest for locals and their children. Everyone seemed to know each other, we were for sure the outsiders. But we had a blast tromping through the snow, riding in a horse cart ( I can't think of the real name), sipping hot cocoa, etc, etc.

Falls of the weekend! Don't you worry, Sharli fell too. but of course I didn't have my camera out to document it. Kylee became pro on this little indo board before we left!
Thanks Sharli and Kylee it was a great weekend!! Thanks Shawn and Bryce for letting us see your Idaho World!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday, January 16, 2011

30 Second Week in Review


Weekly Bachelor watching with Sharli and Kylee. Yes, Michelle and vampire girl may be slightly crazy.


Leatherby's with Sharli and Christina! Love this place, go there way to much. Love these girls so much!! We grew up in the same ward, and have been friends since we were 4! I love that I still see them both quite a bit.


Country dancing with a boy from my ward. If I could wish for one talent it would be, DANCING. I haven't been country dancing in forever! I don't know at all how to dance, but he attempted to try. Maybe if I am taught enough, it will finally click.

FRIDAY: Probably the best day I've had at school this year. It was a short day....six kids were one threw any fits! It was fabulous!! We had our Peace March to Celebrate Martin Luther King. The whole first grade marched around the school with signs, chanting, "Love Not Hate! Don't Discriminate!!" So so fun!

Hung out with some friends from work. We went to California Pizza Kitchen. Then went to the Green Pig downtown. We went to listen to a friends-friends-brothers-friends band :)


Went to my nephews basketball game. His team was good!! Way to go Jarren!!

Went to the Gamma Chairgal tea (Kylee, I'm sorry I took this from your facebook cause I never bring my camera anywhere, THANK YOU!!)

Suprise visit from my friend Shawn!! Such a great suprise. We went to see True Grit.

Family Christmas Party. Yes, it was celebrated in January.

Went to the reception for some friends from Gamma, Lizzie and Jessie. Congrats girls!! There reception was at Rice Eccles Stadium and was beautiful of course!

Hung out with my great neighborhood friends. Hung out in the church parking lot. Made up our own curling type game. I mostly just watched though, curling isn't really one of my strong points, I guess.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Year = Better Jessica (Well hopefully)

2011 is going to be epic. I really think it is! And I'm going to do everything I can, to make it that way. 2010 was a good year, a VERY hard year, but a good one. I learned a lot, and grew a lot!! 2010 really forced me to grow, and learn lots of new things. It really helped humble me and make me grateful!

Here are some of my goals for the new year:
  • Find Joy in the journey!
  • Start a blog. Done and Done!! Now I just to keep updating it.
  • Step out of my comfort zone. Meet new people. Allow people in- It is ok to get hurt some times.
  • Go to the temple AT LEAST once a month, hopefully more.
  • Practice the piano 30 minutes each week.
  • Finish one craft project a month.
  • Spend less time on the computer. Read more great books!
  • Eat Healthier. Work out at least 4 times a week.
  • Live in the moment. Really be there, when I'm doing something. Do things with my whole heart, not just half way.
  • Be the BEST I can be! "We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become each day." Richard G. Scott

Great Way to Start the Day!

YAY!! Tomorrow I have a training, instead of teaching. I get to sleep in an extra hour, I'm just a tad bit excited. What an extra little bonus for the day?? Of course this means I will probably go to sleep at least 2 hours later than I usually do!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Just a slight obsession

What a great week!!

Jailhouse Rock

In case you didn't know, tomorrow is the one and only Elvis Presley's BDay party!! I've never really been a huge Elvis fan, but what the heck, it's a reason to celebrate! We had a party for him today at school, it was a BLAST! One of the teachers was decked out in full Elvis attire, it was so great. I learned all kinds of great dance moves, and got some tips from a first grader on how I could Hula hoop better.

Conversation with one student:

kid-Ms. Wright, Elvis and I have something in common...

me- you do?? what?

kid- well he sings Viva las Vegas. So...we both like Las Vegas!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The adventures of 2010

I'm hoping this blog will force me to be better at taking pictures, because I really want to add some photos to make it more exciting. Thankfully I have great friends that I can steal pictures off of their facebook (so if I ever steal your pictures- thanks a billion!)

2010 has been full of lots of fun and new adventures. I'm sure I forgot some important things, but I'm going to attempt to sum up my year! Since I haven't been good at keeping a journal, this'll have to count :)

-I started student teaching every day at Liberty Elementary! LOVED it. I student taught in first grade and kindergarten. This is when I first fell in love with first grade. Because of this, I quit my dear job at Zions Bank! Loved this job, I had worked there for 2 1/2 years. But don't you even worry, I couldn't stay away and went back in May until the end of summer.

-Moved back home. It's fun to be home, but I will FOREVER miss the Kenwood house! Way too many epic memories there. I'll dedicate a whole post to some of those another time.

-Caitlin Fran left for her mission to Kennewick, Washington. Caitlin and I became roommates in July of 2008, little did I know she would become one of my best friends!! We had tons of late night chats and adventures. Life just isn't the same without her, the lucky peeps of Washington that get to enjoy her company. Only 6 more months Franny!!

February -
-Turned 22!!
-Went to Vail, Colorado with friends from Gamma! We stayed at a my friend, Jessica's cabin. It was lots of fun! We shopped, danced, swam, and just enjoyed the snow.

-I went to Vegas with my family. We went down for the World Finals for Monster trucks. Umm...yes my family is very much red neck, gotta love them though. It was a blast! Parentals, Jordan, Tyler, Holly, and their two kids- Cameron and Kenadee!


Kind of a duddy month, I can't really think of anything too exciting! We had our annual Easter Egg hunt at Tyler and Holly's house. My family is great, need I say more!


-This month was kind of a big deal

- Graduated from the University of Utah!! I graduated in Early Childhood Education. Never in a million years did I think I'd go to the U. I am now a Ute through and through though and absolutely loved it!!

-My best friend Sharli got married. Shar and I have been friends since we were 4 years old. She knows way too much about me! Before she got married, we had a sleepover every night for a month, such a great time! So excited for Sharli and Scott!

-Third annual Cinco de Mayo party at my house. Love this holiday!! Not complete without a pinata, pin the tail on the donkey, and plenty of SHAKIRA and enrique.


-I can't really think of anything too exciting! Just enjoying the summer sun.... Bee's games, Lagoon, Swimming, Hiking adventures, sleepovers, etc, etc


-Hands down my favorite month of the year. I LOVE the holidays and warmth of July. The 24th of July is one of my favorite days of the year. I camped out downtown with some friends for the Days of 47 Parade. We rode scooters for countless hours, played games, ate too much junk, laughed till we cried, watched drunks and crazies, went for motorcycle rides, danced, and closed our eyes to pretend to sleep for a few seconds, oh yeah AND watched the parade. The next day we went and floated the Provo River, it was SUPER! And of course I went to the Days of 47 Rodeo, love rodeos!!


-Went to Bear Lake for the first time! I went with my friends student ward. I went with two friends from Gamma-Aubrey and Brooke.


-Started teaching first grade at Parkside Elementary in Murray. This has for sure been the hardest thing I've ever done!! I have no idea what I'm doing, BUT I'm living my dream. I got to teach the grade I wanted and in the district I wanted! The kids are funny, and keep me laughing all day long! How lucky am I??


-Leah Sophia got married!! Leah and I worked together at Zions Bank, and became great friends after making stellar Christmas sweaters together! Love you Leah .

-Halloween: dressed up as Mario, another teacher was Luigi. I teach first grade, so of course it was fun!! Got to be in a parade, and act like a child all over again. Went party hoppin with some great friends- Shelbie and Aubrey!


-My Grandma Wright that had been living with us passed away the end of November. She had been sick for a while, so it really was the for the best. She was such a sweet lady, and a great example to me. I always knew she really loved her family. It was so fun to have her living at our house.

-Gingerbread houses! Every year we make gingerbread houses with our family. It's one of my favorite traditions.

-December was also full of the classic Ugly Sweater Parties, Gamma pajama party, Downtown lights, sledding, etc.

Well that's pretty much my year in review. If you are still reading thanks for being a dedicated fan!


It's Official, I'm Legit

Well it's official... I've started a blog. I've been talking about this for months, and it was one of my New Years resolutions. I thought it might be good if I actually completed ONE of my resolutions. I'm pretty stoked that I can check one of my goals off on January 4th! Don't think I've ever been so successful this early in the year! Now I can blogstalk and feel like I'm a part of the "cool kids" club. So here goes...