Sunday, March 20, 2011

My Lucky night!

Saturday night.
9:30 pm.
Sitting in my basement with Kylee and Jenna.
Not sure what to do with ourselves.
Me, "Let's go ride the fun bus."
Kylee, "Ok! Let's go to Wendover!"
9:35 pm on our way to Wendover.
Wandered around the adventurous town of Wendover.
Ran to our car as we were chased by men, while taking our picture in front of the cowboy.
Put my first dollar in a penny machine.
Won 30 dollars!!
Yes, that was a free trip to Wendover.
Took pictures in the hotel hallway.
Laughed all night at the look the man gave us while taking pictures.
Watched many really top notch people gamble their lives away.
What an epic Saturday night.

Waka Waka (This Time for Africa) (The Official 2010 FIFA ...

New Love....


I know I'm a little behind the times. People have been raving about it forever, but I'm finally joinging the Zumba bandwagon. I went to my first class at 24 Hour this week, and fell completely in love! Anyone who know me knows that I LOVE Shakira! What workout could be better than dancing to Shakira songs multiple times?! I would be willing to say that nothing could be a more enjoyable workout!! I was hooked as soon as we started dancing to this song, LOVE IT!